Cosy jumper and pumpkin-spiced latte season is officially upon us as today marks the start of the autumn equinox.

For those who follow the astronomical calendar, this year autumn falls on Friday, September 23.

According to the Met Office, this is when the length of day and night becomes roughly the same and nights will become increasingly longer as the season progresses.

The astronomical calendar is based on the position of the sun in relation to the earth.

An equinox marks the point when “the sun crosses the equator's path and becomes positioned exactly above the equator between the northern and southern hemisphere”.

Both equinoxes and solstices only happen twice a year each — the first day of autumn and spring are equinoxes and the first day of summer and winter are solstices.

According to the meteorological calendar, the first day of autumn was on Thursday, September 1 and it will end on October 30.

The astronomical calendar states that autumn will end on December 21.