The village is best known for being the birthplace of Edith Cavell and its successful cricket club. 

But the stage is now set for Swardeston to become the centre of a major housing row. 

Bennett Homes, the organisation responsible for the village's Cricketers development in Bobbins Way, is hoping to construct 43 new homes on land at the junction between Gowthorpe Lane and Main Road.

Wymondham & Attleborough Mercury: The proposed plans for 43 new homes in SwardestonThe proposed plans for 43 new homes in Swardeston (Image: South Norfolk Council)

The properties would have a mixture of one and five bedrooms, with 28pc of the development consisting of affordable housing. 

Over 5,700sqm of public open space is also proposed for the site, including a fully-equipped play area. 

The main access to the development would be provided via Main Road.

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However, the plans have been met with backlash from locals who say the village can't cope with more traffic or the added pressure on its infrastructure. 

"Swardeston is a small village with only one shop," one homeowner wrote in a letter to South Norfolk Council. 

"The estimated number of new inhabitants of the proposed development is 115 people.

"All these people would require local GP practices and schools, which currently struggle to cope with the existing capacity."

Wymondham & Attleborough Mercury: The proposed site for the developmentThe proposed site for the development (Image: Google Maps)

READ MORE: Calls for clear plan of council's spending of public money

Also voicing its objection to the plans, Swardeston Parish Council described the development as a "visual blight".

"It will add to the village's existing traffic volume and speeding problems," the authority's letter read. 

"It will potentially cause flooding issues in the narrow lane neighbouring the development and offers little or nothing by way of facilities for general village use.

"We suggest that the [applicants] attempt cycling, or walking with a buggy or small child, [along the B1113] from the site to Mulbarton Primary School and then revisit their statements on this subject."

The application will now be reviewed and approved or rejected by South Norfolk Council.