People from Norfolk have won almost £2million in July's Premium Bonds prize draw.

One person in the county, who had £20,000 of total holdings, scooped a £1million prize.

Two people won £100,000, two got £50,000 and eight others won £25,000.

Twelve won £10,000 and 32 people scooped £5,000 each, with hundreds more winning £1,000.

READ MORE: Norfolk man wins thousands on BBC game show

In the June draw, people from Norfolk won more than £770,000 across the region.

Jill Waters, NS&I retail director, said: “Premium Bonds are a fun way to start saving - customers are in with the chance of winning any one of our more than 4.9 million prizes.

"People up and down the country can start their Premium Bonds journey with an initial investment of just £25.”

Premium Bonds is an investment product issued by National Savings & Investments.

Unlike other investments, where investors earn interest or a regular dividend income, bonds are entered into a monthly prize draw where people can win between £25 and £1m tax-free.