Sir Kenneth Branagh stars as former prime minster Boris Johnson during the Covid pandemic in This England, but did you know it was filmed in Norfolk?

In April last year film crews descended on Aylsham Market Place to film scenes of Boris Johnson leaving Coxford's Butchers surrounded by TV crews and reporters.

Paul Matthews, from the town, saw the filming and said the scene involved a crowd of people outside the butchers. He said there was "a lot of chanting" before Branagh came out of the shop as Johnson.

Johnny Payne, who runs Coxford’s along with Jason Gibbons, said the crew was in the butchers filming for about two hours.

He said: “What an honour for us to host the scene in the shop. An opportunity like this doesn't come up every day.

“When they called us to ask a few weeks ago we weren’t going to say no, although we didn’t know what it was about then.

“It was an honour to meet someone so big in Aylsham.”

Crews then moved on to the town's Church of St Michael, drill hall, town hall and other spots around the Market Place, before leaving Aylsham late on Friday, April 2.

It was not the only Norfolk location to feature in the new Sky Atlantic show, with nearby Wolterton Hall doubling as 10 Downing Street and Chevening House in the series.

Teams at the hall said various rooms and external locations were dressed as sets for a variety of scenes.

Peter Sheppard, owner of Wolterton Park said: “We’re looking forward to watching the drama and spotting scenes filmed around the hall and estate.

"We are always delighted to welcome film and TV productions.

“Wolterton Hall is a popular location because it’s readily accessible from London and we have a broad selection of rooms and buildings that are all furnished in period style.

"We particularly enjoyed having a red carpet on the hall stairs for a while, to represent the interior of Downing Street.”

This England will air on Sky Atlantic and the Now streaming service from Wednesday, September 28 across six episodes.