Not every schoolgirl can claim to have been crowned on the same day as Queen Elizabeth II – but for a Wymondham resident, it was an occasion she would never forget.

While 27 million people from around the country watched that moment on June 2, 1953, just a handful watched as Beryl Butterwick was given her crown.

%image(15594566, type="article-full", alt="Beryl Woodgate (now Butterwick) holding hands with her "Prince Philip", Robery Rudge")

Known then by her maiden name of Beryl Woodgate, she was picked to play the role of Queen for her local street party.

Mrs Butterwick was born and raised in north Kensington, in the west of Central London. At the time, her family lived on Hazlewood Crescent.

Each year, a street party would be organised and it was decided that they would hold their own coronation alongside Her Royal Highness.

%image(15594567, type="article-full", alt="The official invitation for Hazelwood Cresent residents in 1953")

Mrs Butterwick, 77, said: “I’ve since lost contact with the people who are in the photos with me, but I remember the boy’s name was Robert Rudge. We all called him Bob.

“Since the Queen’s passing, I’ve thought about that day a lot and now I seem to remember most of it like it wasn’t even that long ago.”

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A month before her eighth birthday, the young Mrs Butterwick was dressed in an outfit made by her mother, Gladys, complete with a sash her father Victor had created for the occasion.

One of the photographs shows the event organiser’s daughter placing a heavy crown – made out of plaster of Paris by staff at the nearby St Charles Hospital – on top of her head as she holds hands with her Prince Philip.

She was officially crowned by the then mayor of Kensington and they enjoyed a picnic lunch before a heavy downpour which “did spoil the day really”, she added.

%image(15594569, type="article-full", alt="The mayor of Kensington crowned Beryl Woodgate, now Beryl Butterwick")

Later that evening, they would watch the actual accession and coronation, which took place just five miles away at Westminster Abbey, via the news highlights.

Mrs Butterwick eventually moved to Wymondham in Norfolk following her wedding to her husband, Vivian, on October 10, 1970.

%image(15594572, type="article-full", alt="(L to R) Vivian Butterwick, husband of Beryl Butterwick, with her parents Gladys and Victor")

“It was a good time. The mayor gave a nice speech, everyone enjoyed the day, and the food was lovely.

"It’s been nice reminiscing all these years later.”