Wymondham & Attleborough Mercury - Memorials

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Published on 03/09/2024

BARRINGER HENRY The Barringer family would like to thank everyone for their kind messages, cards, letters, flowers and support received after the sad loss of Henry. In particular, our thanks go to Priscilla Bacon Lodge for their wonderful care, support and kindness to Henry and ourselves at such a difficult time. Huge gratitude to everyone who donated in Henry's memory to our chosen charities. The sum of £2,699 will be apportioned as requested between Brain Tumour Research and the Priscilla Bacon Lodge. Enormous thanks to Paul Allcock and his team at Allcock Family Funeral Services for all their help and guidance, also to Norfolk Bluebell Wood Burial Park for their unwavering support and compassion. Please accept this as our only but most sincere acknowledgement. Holt Rugby Football Club will be holding a charity fundraiser in Henry's name next year in aid of Brain Tumour Research. We would welcome as many of you as possible to attend once the date is published.


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